Browse videos/audios of latest questions from your favorite scholar.

Is Smoking Forbidden in Islam?

Is Smoking Forbidden in Islam?

What does Islam say about smoking and cigarettes?

One Husband - 4 Wives?

One Husband - 4 Wives?

How can you justify that a man can have four wives in Islam?

Is Suicide Bombing OK in Islam?

Is Suicide Bombing OK in Islam?

What do you say to suicide bombers, who claim Islam tells them it is O.K.?

Can Women Follow Janazah?

Can Women Follow Janazah?

Can women follow a dead body to the grave?

Wife Wants Children But Husband Says No!

Wife Wants Children But Husband Says No!

If a woman wants to have a child after marriage, but her husband doesn’t want to, what should she do?

Visiting My Non-Muslim Family - Is It OK?

Visiting My Non-Muslim Family - Is It OK?

I came to Islam, I used to be Christian (or some other religion), and now I’m here as a Muslim, and I want to know, can I still go visit my parents sometimes?